Get Sprite frame name after creation?


am I able to retrieve a batched Sprite’s frame name that it was created with?
Sprite* sprite = Sprite::createWithFrameName("bullet.png");
sprite->getFrameName(); // "bullet.png"

I’ve looked at Sprite/SpriteFrame, and know of the SpriteFrame Sprite::displayFrame() method, but I don’t see anyway to actually get the original frame name (e.g. “bullet.png” in the above example)

Thanks for the help

in the file CCSpriteFrame there is protected member called :
that keeps the file name , not sure why its not exposed i also need to get the name of the texture.
what i did is to extend the Sprite class and keep the file name as private member

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In cocos2dx 3.16, I check against the cache. I think there’d be a better way, but I can’t find it if there is:

if (sprite->getSpriteFrame() != SpriteFrameCache::getInstance()->getSpriteFrameByName(new_sprite_path)) {

It’s not quite getting the sprite frame name (and the textureFilename lists the spritesheet, pretty sure) but it solves the problem I was dealing with.