GameOverScene from simplegame tutorial

I get the following errors when trying to run for android:
undefined reference to ‘vtable for GameOverScene’
undefined reference to ‘GameOverScene::init()’

anyone know how to fix this?

Please get the latest code from github, SimpleGame is a part of samples now.

Walzer Wang wrote:

Please get the latest code from github, SimpleGame is a part of samples now.

I do have the latest build and can run it inside Visual Studio 2008
but when I try to create the port for android (by running that is when it fails.

I think it might be because the build_native doesn’t know about building the GameOverScene classes. Is there something special I need to do to add classes to the visual studio project, or the android build?

I just re-check its file,
It do involves GameOverScene.cpp. The latest code was compiled successfully on my dev env (ndk r8b) 3 mins ago.