[GAME] Puzzle Craft - Windows 8 version made with cocos2d-x

Hi all! Our newest game Puzzle Craft, just hit Windows 8 store and we would like to share this info with you.

The game was originally released on iOS and produced with cocos2d, then we ported the game to Windows 8 using cocos2d-x (the ARM version is on its way to the store).

Puzzle Craft is a mash-up of match-three-like puzzle game and a town building sim. You take control of a populace of a village and must help them grow their settlement into a bustling city. To do this you will need to farm, mine, collect taxes, hire workers and use tools.

The game got some pretty nice reviews and we are really excited to bring it to a new platform and new players :slight_smile:

Here is the game’s page: http://www.atgames.eu/puzzle-craft.html
Here is the trailer: http://vimeo.com/atgames/puzzlecraft
Here is a link to Windows 8 store: http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/pl-PL/app/puzzle-craft/f3008af0-4f47-4044-8c54-e4542072f107
Here is the original iOS version: https://itunes.apple.com/pl/app/puzzle-craft/id489178757
Here is a kind of a design post mortem: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/180102/the_evolution_of_puzzle_craft.php

And when we get the ARM version going, we will post some insights about working on cocos2d-x for Windows 8.

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Cool game! BTW,the iOS version is published by Chillingo.Could you share somethings about Chillingo publish operation ? Can Chillingo help your business ?


Our Lead Designer wrote an article that’s been featured on Gamasutra [http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/180102/the_evolution_of_puzzle_craft.php] where, among describing the way the game evolved, has touched a bit on our cooperation with Chillingo. Since I’m just a lower-level programmer, that’s the best I can offer on this topic :slight_smile: