[Game/iOS/Android/Free] Good Road - a game with no assets but three mp3 files only :)

Google Play Store

Apple App Store

- 1000 roads
- varying-width lanes
- s-turn, u-turn, 360-turn
- leader board

I hope you have fun driving.

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No assets?!! wow (How did you manage that?) :wink:
and How you creating maps & checking collision?

Font : os font, not mine
UI : polygon(hard-coded)
Road : polygon(code-generated)
Guardrail : polygon(code-generated)
Car : polygon(blender > fbx > hard-coded mesh data)
Shadow : polygon(from guardrail and car data)
SFX : mp3 files(car drive, crash, button click)

Collision : chipmunk


The game scenes look ugly, huh?

All thanks goes to Cocos2d-x developers. I appreciate.

I coded a lot for polygon anti-aliasing(except shadow) because I didn’t know whether msaa was available on Android devices(I guess iOS devices support that). It was painful.

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hmm nice…
well scene goes with game theme…
polygon looks great with my galaxy s4…

Nice work on the anti-aliasing! Could you elaborate a bit on how you achieved it, and which version of the framework you used? I’ve seen several suggestions, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on the solution.