Game crash when reload page on Chrome in cocos2d-html5 2.2.2


I encountered crash(see attachment.) when reload my game page on Chrome version 32.0.1700.77 when I am using cocos2d-html5/JSB version2.2.2.

but It’s ok on filefox verson 26.0.

This problem will be solved when I clean the browser cache(See the attachment.).

BTW, I met Maximum call stack size exceeded cocos2d error sometimes on cocos2d-html5 version 2.2.2.
Is anyone know how it going?

Give link if sb need.

螢幕快照 2014-01-20 下午3.01.09.png (181.4 KB)

螢幕快照 2014-01-20 下午3.12.10.png (227.4 KB)

Hi Simon,

I have played your game, but it works well.
Could you please give me the steps to reproduce the error?

BTW, I found your editbox’s position is incorrect.


Hi, Dingping,

Did you play my game on Chrome?
Because I encountered crash on my friend’s Chrome as well.

I have recored my steps on the video,
please download video from this link:

This is occur randomly when I want to replaceScene and the scene is running CCB animation.
Sometimes it gave me crash log at this time as well(please refer to attachment):

Maximum call stack size exceeded

EditBox is the other problem when I change cocos2d-html engine to 2.2.2.

Everything is fine on engine 2.1.4
(maybe you can see the link below that use version 2.1.4)

Thanks for your help.

I have unit tested on replaceCCB, but this is not the reason that I encountered crash.
this is my test link


Dingping Lv wrote:

Hi Simon,
I have played your game, but it works well.
Could you please give me the steps to reproduce the error?
BTW, I found your editbox’s position is incorrect.

Hi simon,
The issue of Editbox’s position has been fixed at

And the problem about the crash , I have tested and reproduce the problem, I will find the reason of the problem late, if you have any new findings, please tell me.


I have recored my steps of crash into the video,
please download or refer to video from this link: