Galaxy tab 3 lite (Android 4.2.2) app crash since v3.13.1

Since updating to 3.13.1, a newly created app builds successfully but immediatly crashes on launch.

I’ve tried using android platform-20, 22 and 23 with android-ndk-r10c

I do not have this problem with apps built with cocos2d-x 3.12.

3.13.1 apps run fine for me on my Galaxy S4 and S6.

here is the log when it crashes
12-04 04:31:04.164: D/dalvikvm(5595): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/com.scripto.test-1/ 0x4207ef58
12-04 04:31:04.187: E/dalvikvm(5595): dlopen("/data/app-lib/com.scripto.test-1/") failed: Cannot load library: soinfo_relocate(linker.cpp:975): cannot locate symbol “atof” referenced by “”…
12-04 04:31:05.156: D/CrashAnrDetector(500): processName: com.scripto.test
12-04 04:31:05.156: D/CrashAnrDetector(500): broadcastEvent : com.scripto.test data_app_crash

Let me know what I can do to help. Thanks.

Try platform 19 and maybe ndk 12