Future of CocosBuilder

Hi, I would like to ask about the current state of things in the development of CocosBuilder. We’re currently working on a cocos2d-x JSB game for iOS and Android and we’ve been using CocosBuilder to design pretty much every screen in the game. The tool certainly has a lot of potential but there are quite a few things missing from it. One of them was support for sprite batch nodes. I’ve created a plugin that add that 4 months ago and submitted a pull request (https://github.com/cocos2d/CocosBuilder/pull/276) to the Github repository. However, it was never merged and I didn’t get any comments from Viktor. We’re currently considering our options for the tool to use for the next project and I wanted to know whether CocosBuilder is still actively developed and whether it’s going to be supported by cocos2d-x v3. Thank you.

Last commit was in June for developer branch. Not very active


Spritebuilder is decent but the output is a newer CCBi file that is not supported in C2Dx 2.2 or 3.0, as far as i can see.

Spritebuilder is decent but the output is a newer CCBi file that is not supported in C2Dx 2.2 or 3.0, as far as i can see.
I experienced this problem too… And CocosStudio doesn’t have Mac version :frowning: