[FREE][iOS & Android] Anagramix - word up!

Hello everyone!

So far I’ve been using cocos2d-iphone to make games, but this time I decided to give cocos2d-x a try. Basically, I wanted to see how easy it would be to make a game for both iOS and Android… how much of the codebase would be shared, how much would need to be rewritten etc. To my big surprise, very few things need to be rewritten, and almost everything works out of the box. So, here are the results of my little experiment called Anagramix - word up!:

App Store
Google Play Store
Amazon App Store
Samsung Galaxy Apps
SlideME Market

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anagramix.word.up




Hi everyone!

A new version of Anagramix - word up! is out on the App Store and Google Play Store. Also, the game is now available on Amazon App Store, Samsung Galaxy Apps and SlideME Market. I updated the original post to reflect that.

Oh, and by the way, appPicker has published a review of the game. Check it out! :smile:

P.S. cocos2d-x is such a great framework. It makes developing cross platform games feel so natural. Thank you guys for doing the hard work and making it easy for us to do what we love - games.