Fonts are not working on win32 with visual studio

I tried to run a test with ttf fonts but the engine only loads arial fonts and nothing else
I tried also with other extensions without any success.
Is there a problem with the engine ?

Can you send me an example?
I tried with VS2010, VS2012 and VS2013 with cocos2D V3.0 V3.1 and V2.2.3 with the write commands without any success.

Please help me!

have you looked at the cpp tests for help?

Yes and I succeeded to load BMFont but TTF is only arial.

Is this any help???

Still seems as though the issue is unfixed even though a pull request was made 4 months ago…

And just to make sure, if you are using something other than Arial. You have placed the TTF files in your resources directory right? And they are being included as part of your build process?

I have just solve the issue.
Using Cocos2DV3.1 and windows 7 with visual studio 2012 express

for the ttf extension
auto label = LabelTTF::create(“Hello World”, “newfonts/Koshari.ttf”, 24);
the file that loads has to be in the resource folder. if you want you can make another folder like mine which is newfonts

for the BMFont
auto blabel = LabelBMFont::create("World ", “fonts/pusabsmall.fnt”, 1600,TextHAlignment::CENTER,
blabel->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width/2, visibleSize.height/2 ));
These are checked and working

Do yo Know also how to change resolution in win32
The V3.1 version does not have the resolution in the Hello World project. Why?

what do you mean change the resolution? Do you mean the size of the window?

Yes I mean the size of the window and the resolution also like the iphone size and resolution