font rendering in cocos2d-x



Please write English in this forum.

Cocos2d-x 0.9.0 supports the fonts in each platform integrated internal. So the fonts listed in iOS, android platoform are that you can use in cocos2d-x.
And on the edge version on github, we support custom font. You can put in a custom ttf file, and use it with CCLabelTTF. This feature will be released sooner in the next minor version.

OK,Thank you.Actually I am not good at English :slight_smile: but thank you for you answer:)

one more question.the CCLabelTTF,can it set font style like Bold, Italic or Underline ? any method in CCLabelTTF or other class? thx!

Nope, font style is not supported in cocos2d yet.