Font is not applied to LabelTTF

Here is what I did:

1-> Download Amatic font from Fontsquirrel.
2-> Put the .ttf files into /res/fonts folder.
3-> Open the res.js and add the property to res object:

var res = {
    octagon_png: "res/octagon.png",
    HelloWorld_png : "res/HelloWorld.png",

    font_amatic_bold: "res/fonts/AmaticSC-Regular.ttf"

4-> Create a LabelTTF with the new font:

var helloLabel = new cc.LabelTTF("Match Scene", res.font_amatic_bold, 38);

Output doesn’t change. Still showing the label with the Arial font.

Am I missing something?

Hi @onselakin,

Try to load .ttf file in resource.js file like:

        srcs:["res/fonts/AmaticSC-Regular.ttf", "res/fonts/AmaticSC-Regular.ttf"]

While creating Label provide the name:
var helloLabel = new cc.LabelTTF(“Match Scene”, “AmaticSC-Regular”, 38);


Hey @Gurudath!

Thanks for the help but still no change. My code is exactly the same as yours now.

Hi @onselakin,

I have checked Amatic-Bold.ttf font. I have checked in Chrome browser.
Working fine for me.

On what platform you are testing?

Not on a browser :slight_smile: This is a mobile/desktop game.

May i know how you are testing?
You are writing code using cocos2d-JS.
How you are testing it on desktop?

I’m working on a Cocos2d-x Javascript project.

Need help on this? No one tried this before?

@onselakin, you’re saying that you’re not using a browser, so I’m assuming that are you compiling for native. In that case cocos works with searchPaths.

In your main.js there’s probably the following lines…


When cocos tries to load resources it tries to resolve paths relative to the searchpaths. So in case of the font the path should be

srcs:["/fonts/AmaticSC-Regular.ttf", “/fonts/AmaticSC-Regular.ttf”]

Hope that helps.

@araker Thank you. I tried almost all of the combinations and still no luck. Tried with the “/” before the folder name, tried without it, moved the ttf file into the res folder to no avail. No errors, nothing.

Also, I don’t have any searchPath registrations in my main.js under but all of the other resources work without problems. Please note that I haven’t changed anything on that file, it’s coming from the project template as is.

If you don’t use the searchPaths you don’t have to change the paths. For me the solution from this topic worked.