Flame Trip for iOS & Android

Hello everyone. Flame Trip has finally arrived on Android and iOS platforms. The game was firstly released in may on iOS and it was made with SpriteKit (Swift). In october I started to write it from scratch in Cocos2d-x C++ version to make it available for Android as well. I’m currently studying Computer Science and because of the courses it took a little bit more time for me to develop this game, but I finally did it. After all the problems and bugs that I have encountered I managed to release my first game, Flame Trip on Android as well and to update the iOS version. Flame Trip is an adventure game, a side-scroller where you are a white flame and must pass through each circle that appears on the screen, without missing one or touch any of its edges. The frameworks that I used in this game are:

  • Cocos2d-x 3.9 C++
  • Cocos Helper (Admob, Game Center and Google Play Services), thanks a lot @SonarSystems for all the support, I am very grateful.

Hope you guys give it a try and if you like it I’d be grateful if you rate it. Many, many thanks to Cocos2d-x community for helping me with the problems I have encountered. You are doing a great job, keep going!

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.AniEduard.Flametrip
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/flame-trip/id991808682?mt=8

Here are a few screenshots of the game:

Great to see you used Cocos Helper.

I have downloaded it and played it, very interesting concept.

A couple of suggestions:

  • An audio toggle on the main menu would be nice
  • Maybe making the rings a little bigger would be good as it’s pretty difficult otherwise.

Looking good though :smiley:

Feel free to showcase your game via our website to reach even more users http://www.sonarlearning.co.uk/questions.php?question-category=question-category-showcase

I’ll look forward to do these. Thank you very much!

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We love the artwork.

We are actually starting a royalty free initiative and would love for you to contribute towards it.

The artwork is not made by me, I don’t know how to draw and design. It is made by 2 friends of mine that are students at Graphics and Design University.