Find tutorial for real beginner

Hello, Im new in cocos2d-x.
I folow the official doc to and and
But it seems that these tutorials are for people who come from cocos2d for ios. For example it shows how to add a sprite in the init () function, but not really explain the code or the general structure of a project cocos2d-x, for example, what is the init () function?
And I do not know all the ios cocos2d-x or cocos2d and I’m not very familiar with the developement of the video game, I’m really lost.
So do you have any good tutorial detailing for true beginner or explain me your methods for learning to use cocos2d-x.
thank you.

Hello we have a Cocos2d-x tutorial series which will be exactly what your looking for and we are always available via message to answer any questions you may have, plus we are soon starting a community driven tutorial series with videos from fellow developers questions.

The tutorial series mentioned is here

Great channel! Nice and simple, straight to the point. I like that.
Are you only concentrated on JavaScript(Cocos2d-HTML5) version or is C++(Cocos-2dx)
also planned?

It seems like you’ve not read the documentation and tryed anything by yourself at all.
Are you familiar with OOP at all? Cocos2d-x is a cross-platform framework, a collection of classes, if you will, which you can use, written in C++.

You should define your CCObjects in your header file. (*.h extension)
It could look something like this(roll your own):

The init() function is the initialization function. You can create your CCObjects here.
Also this is where the update or so called tick function should reside.
In short, my message to you is to check the basic concepts of cocos2d-x.

Hope it cleared your confusion a bit.
Start with basics, grow upon that, you’ll see its more simple than you might think at first.

SonarSystems : thanks but Im c++ developer.
Eschmelax : I thought we should start with so I am not avanturer in another section not all mix but I was wrong. thanks.

@traitree: You’re welcome.

After defining the CCSprite in your header,
here is how you would implement it(for example) in your init() function:

  1. Get the size of the window:
    CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();

  2. Create your CCSprite/CCObject:
    _logotype = CCSprite::create("logo.png");

  3. Position your CCSprite/CCObject:
    _logotype->setPosition(ccp(winSize.width / 2 + origin.x, 500));

  4. Add your CCSprite/CCObject to a layer:
    this->addChild(_logotype, 1);

You’re done! Run your application.

thanks a lot

This “Getting Started” is a ripoff from Ray Wenderlich tutorials.
It is way beyond starting, since this is an advanced tutorial.
I agree with you, it should not be there as a starting tutorial.

@Cocos2D-X Team:
Guys, this “Getting Started” tutorial confuses many people when they come from zero
to your framework. It contains way too many techniques used by Ray Wenderlich which are difficult for the beginners.

If you have time for this, logic dictates you should create a simple tutorial, which covers simple handling of CCObjects, without creating so much unescessary code and distraction. :wink:

@Eschmelax totally agree, the documentation needs to be updated.

@Eschmelax we do have a C++ version planned for when V3.0 is released which won’t be long.

@traitree a C++ version will come soon once V3.0 is released

@SonarSystems: That’s great! Looking forward to it.
If it helps, here is the changelog on V3: