[FINAL!] All in one Cocos2d-x&JS v3.7 is released

It’s currently not supported by Code IDE

We haven’t support the preview versions yet, currently we can only use Android Studio as an editor, the C++ debugging feature and compilation will be supported for 1.3 official release.

These are a lot of great updates!
When will the video player be available for also win32?

It would be nice to be able to load the video into a sprite as with the js version.

Testing the cpp-tests on mac using xcode Version 6.3.2 (6D2105) on real device iphone 5 iOS 8
1 .in Camera 3D Test :

when clicking there is exception CCParticleSystem.cpp line 404

CCASSERT(isOK, "CCParticleSystem: error init image with Data");

2 . in CocosStudio#d Test :

Node 3D render Test (the first test ) doesn’t show any thing

Thanks for reporting, these two bugs have been solved, and we will release RC next week

I attempt to use which is a new feature ccui.WebView.
However, it did not work out the error.

My code:
var webview = new ccui.WebView (“http://www.google.co.jp”);

TypeError: ccui.WebView is not a constructor

Of course I have been added to “extensions”.
“modules”: [“cocos2d”, “extensions”, “external”]

Please somebody help.

Thank you.

Are you trying the native build ? There are one thing to note, webview and video player are only supported on iOS/Android/Web.

Besides, I just noticed that our template haven’t included webview and videoplayer by default, here is the patch PR:


You can apply the same changes of templates/js-template-default/frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp in your /frameworks/runtime-src/Classes/AppDelegate.cpp to make it available for ios/android

which repos shall we report new issue of cocos2d-js to, cocos2d-x or cocos2d-js repos?

cocos2d-x repo

It seems Android Studio may be released around next week also. If so will there be a possibility of including Android Studio support with cocos v3.7 RC?

Thank you for advice.
I’ve made the change as instructed.
However, the app came to not launch (ios / android).

void register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject global)
JS_DefineFunction(cx, JS::RootedObject(cx, jsb_cocos2d_experimental_ui_VideoPlayer_prototype), “addEventListener”, jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_ui_VideoPlayer_addEventListener, 1, JSPROP_ENUMERATE | JSPROP_PERMANENT);

In the above location “Thread 1:EXC_BAD_ACCESS”

Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000004 (code=1), thread 7214 (Thread-8612)

Thanks anyway.

The build for Win8.1 universal doesn’t run.
It gives error in lib bullet.

We need some time to do it, and it won’t be merged into v3.7, if it’s released, we will schedule it into the next version

What error have you got ? We have tested it, and no error comes up

The register order matters, you should register firstly the auto bindings then manual bindings:


Otherwise, jsb_cocos2d_experimental_ui_VideoPlayer_prototype will be null while registering its manual binding

Thank you for advice.
I have modified the code based on your advice.


#include "experimental / jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual.h"
#include "experimental / jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_webView_manual.h"
#include "jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_video_auto.hpp"
#include "experimental / jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual.h"
#include "jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_webview_auto.hpp"
#include "experimental / jsb_cocos2dx_experimental_webView_manual.h"

    sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual);
    sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_webView_manual);
        sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_video);
        sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual);
        sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_webView);
        sc-> addRegisterCallback (register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_webView_manual);

It seems to ccui.WebView is operating correctly.
Thank you very much

I see you registered register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_video_manual and register_all_cocos2dx_experimental_webView_manual twice, and before the auto bindings, so please remove the first section above

Thank you very much.

And I apologize that it has used an incorrect English.

And I have a question on how to use the ccui.webview.

I want to add a layer which is addchilded sprite on top of the ccui.webview.

Is it possible to addchild something ccui.webview?

I have tried to challenge, ccui.webview is will come to the top, regardless of the zindex.

Thank you @gokuraku :smile:
I hope you didn’t find that rude.

Since webview inherits node it should technically support adding children.
I am not sure about the actual implementation.