FileUtils in mutil cpp file ????

In Appdelagate.cpp, I create searchPath to folder iphone (Resources\iphone) for FileUtils::shareFileUtils(), but when I make Sprite with resources as “bg.png” in HelloWorldScene, myGame only search in Resources.

LabelTtf in windows can not see text :stuck_out_tongue: ( it display the rectangle has width equals text width :stuck_out_tongue: ) ( It use default samples project HelloCpp so I think don’t have problem with code and resources)

I use cocos3d-x 3.0 beta 2 in windows 8 as win32 applications.

Why don’t have “win32-msvc-2013-x64.cmd” for create template cocos2dx for visual studio windows 8 64 bit :stuck_out_tongue:

When I use Eclipse (ADT) to import project in Linux, it can see Android project (not see Linux as Documents in homepage), haiz, my Laptop has problem with Windows, so I often use Ubuntu, but seem Eclipse not good as IDE for cocos2dx.

My English is bad. Sorry.

Make sure that the font name and font filename are identical.