File exists?

Hi guys, is there any way to check if a file exists before loading? I’ve seen you can call CCFileUtils::getFileData and it will return NULL if the file doesn’t exist, but this will also load the full file if it does exist.

This is fine for methods like CCSprite::spriteWithFile that need to load the data if the file exists. However I simply want to check if a file exists and return a filename if it does or an alternate filename if it doesn’t. Kind of how iOS’s @2x file naming for assets works.

If there is a way to do this please advise. I know how to do it for iOS and Android, but my game has to support other platforms as well which is why I chose cocos2d-x :slight_smile:

Otherwise if I could humbly make a suggestion for a future release… :slight_smile:


Hi !

I had the same need, so i make one… for android version :smiley:

bool CCFileUtils::existFileData(const char* pszFileName)
    string fullPath(pszFileName);

    if ((! pszFileName))
        return false;

    if (pszFileName[0] != '/')
        // read from apk
        fullPath.insert(0, "assets/");
        return CCFileUtils::existFileDataFromZip(s_strResourcePath.c_str(), fullPath.c_str());
            // read rrom other path than user set it
            FILE *fp = fopen(pszFileName, "rb");
            if (fp != NULL)
                return true;
        while (0);
    return false;

bool CCFileUtils::existFileDataFromZip(const char* pszZipFilePath, const char* pszFileName)
    unzFile pFile = NULL;
    bool res = false;
        CC_BREAK_IF(!pszZipFilePath || !pszFileName);
        CC_BREAK_IF(strlen(pszZipFilePath) == 0);

        pFile = unzOpen(pszZipFilePath);

        int nRet = unzLocateFile(pFile, pszFileName, 1);
        res = UNZ_OK == nRet;

    } while (0);

    if (pFile)
    return res;

you can use it, if you want :wink: and it can be added in the official release :smiley:

#1060 is created for it.

no need to add this feature.
using this code would meet your need.

std::ifstream f(fullPath);
if(!f) return;  // file not exist. :) 

Thanks very much for posting this Jean-Christophe BOSSU. It would be great to see this function make it’s way into the main library…


Ren Wang wrote:

no need to add this feature.
using this code would meet your need.

For other people reading this, unfortunately you can’t use this solution on Android (it works fine on other platforms). On Android the resources are packed into a .zip file, so you can’t just grab a normal file handle. Using a combination of these two methods is the best way to ensure platform compatibility.


Ben Ward wrote:

Ren Wang wrote:
> no need to add this feature.
> using this code would meet your need.
> […]
For other people reading this, unfortunately you can’t use this solution on Android (it works fine on other platforms). On Android the resources are packed into a .zip file, so you can’t just grab a normal file handle. Using a combination of these two methods is the best way to ensure platform compatibility.

oh. sorry . i just have tried it on android . as you said , did not work on android~ :frowning: ,thank you for pointing out .

Ren Wang wrote:

oh. sorry . i just have tried it on android . as you said , did not work on android~ :frowning: ,thank you for pointing out .

No worries, I assumed it would work as well but it was only upon testing that I discovered otherwise. Thanks very much for posting!


I’ve modified this method to be compatible with newest cocos.

Please feel free to add it to official release if You want :slight_smile:

bool CCFileUtils::existFileData(const char* pszFileName)
    if ((! pszFileName) || 0 == strlen(pszFileName))
        return 0;

    if (pszFileName[0] != '/')
        string fullPath = fullPathForFilename(pszFileName);
        return s_pZipFile->fileExists(fullPath);
            // read rrom other path than user set it
            FILE *fp = fopen(pszFileName, "rb");
            if (fp != NULL)
                return true;
        while (0);

    return false;

Adam Pach wrote:

I’ve modified this method to be compatible with newest cocos.
Please feel free to add it to official release if You want :slight_smile:

I think it’s already in there. It’s called something like “isFileExist()” I believe…
