Feature Request: Disable FullScreen Keyboard on Android

I would like to be able to prevent the keyboard from going fullscreen when a text field is selected. I have tried various methods of using android:imeOptions=‘flagNoExtractUi’ but the keyboard still renders in fullscreen. A method like TextField::setKeyboardFullScreen(bool) would be optimal


Hi @thejet238,

I’ve opened a case in cocos2dx github Bugtracker , but got no answer from cocos2dx team.

So I searched further and found the solution (version cocos2d-x-3.15.1):

In Cocos2dxActivity.java one import (line 43) and one line of code (390) need to be added:

43 import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo;

389 Cocos2dxEditBox edittext = new Cocos2dxEditBox(this);
390 edittext.setImeOptions(edittext.getImeOptions() | EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI);
391 edittext.setLayoutParams(edittext_layout_params);

The flag IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI makes the trick - then the TextFieldTTF works in the same mode as on iPhones - in a normal non-fullscreen mode.
