Fatal signal 11 error

Hi guys,

I am getting fatal error " A/libc(1246): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)" in a particular android device. Most of the time , game crashes on start and gives mentioned error. But strangely , it comes in a single android device . I have tried game in htc one X, sony xperia ray, sony neo v , Samsung galaxy ace and kindle Fire and it works like charm . Infact, i have tried demo android project available in cocos2d-x and that too crashes in particular device.

That device is a cheap Android tablet - Zync z990+ . Its configuration is

Android version : 4.0.3
CPU ABI : armeabi- v7a
processor : ARMV7 Processor rev 2 (v71) 1.5 Ghz
GPU : Mali 400
opengl : 2.0

You help will be appreciated.


you can use ndk-stack to see where the program crash.

I have the same problem too,

CPU ABU : all
test on MIPS Android 2.2 work fine, but ASUS’s tablet arm-V7 Android 4.0.3 have this same error too
I have familiar project write in Cocos2d-Android-1 is work fine…

Have not supported MIPS arch.

Minggo Zhang wrote:

Have not supported MIPS arch.

NDK R8 support MIPS, I check Cocos2d-X did’t have third-party’s library like ‘libcurl, libjpng,libpng & libxml2’ so can’t build, so I ask my friend help me builded these four libs for MIPS version,and It’s work just fine in MIPS arch now.

I set CPU ABU : all , so I can test on different hardware, here is the hardware I tested…

Smart-tv with MIPS arch Android 2.2.1, …… OK
Motorola XOOM Arm-V7 Android 3.1, ………OK
Asus Transformer Pad Arm-V7 Android 4.0.3 ……… Crash, Fatal signal 11 error

I just send my Motorola XOOM tablet to the Motorola update Android 3.1 -> 4.1 yesterday, After my XOOM come home, I will try again to verify the problem is hardware or Android version make.

Thanks Minggo again!

Here is the ndk -stack for my game

* Crash dump:*
Build fingerprint: ‘softwinners/crane_q7/crane-q7:4.0.3/IML74K/20120613:eng/test-keys’
pid: 1405, tid: 1423 >>> com.mggames.testgame <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
Stack frame #00 pc 00070402 /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (_ZN10HelloWorld4initEv)
Stack frame #01 pc 000704b4 /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (_ZN10HelloWorld4nodeEv)
Stack frame #02 pc 000704e0 /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (_ZN10HelloWorld5sceneEv)
Stack frame #03 pc 000701ae /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (_ZN11AppDelegate29applicationDidFinishLaunchingEv)
Stack frame #04 pc 0009e2ec /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d13CCApplication3runEv)
Stack frame #05 pc 0007011c /data/data/com.mggames.testgame/lib/libgame.so (Java_org_cocos2dx_lib_Cocos2dxRenderer_nativeInit)
Stack frame #06 pc 0001ebf0 /system/lib/libdvm.so (dvmPlatformInvoke)
Stack frame #07 pc 00058c30 /system/lib/libdvm.so (_Z16dvmCallJNIMethodPKjP6JValuePK6MethodP6Thread)

Now , i am getting this error on game start in Zync z990+ (android 4.0.3) :-

* Crash dump:**
Build fingerprint: ‘softwinners/crane_q7/crane-q7:4.0.3/IML74K/20120613:eng/test-keys’
pid: 2381, tid: 2396 >>> com.mggames.testgame <<<
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000
Stack frame #00 pc 0011e0e6 /mnt/asec/com.mggames.testgame-1/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d16CCMenuItemSprite20initFromNormalSpriteEPNS_6CCNodeES2_S2_PNS_8CCObjectEMS3_FvS4_E)
Stack frame #01 pc 0011f140 /mnt/asec/com.mggames.testgame-1/lib/libgame.so (_ZN7cocos2d16CCMenuItemSprite20itemFromNormalSpriteEPNS_6CCNodeES2_S2_PNS_8CCObjectEMS3_FvS4_E)
Stack frame #02 pc 0011f1ac /mnt/asec/com.mggames.testgame-1/lib/libgame.so (ZN7cocos2d16CCMenuItemSprite20itemFromNormalSpriteEPNS_6CCNodeES2_S2)
Stack frame #03 pc 000ac642 /mnt/asec/com.mggames.testgame-1/lib/libgame.so (_ZN10ExitToGame9initSceneEPN7cocos2d6CCNodeE)

But, i am unable to find the cause behind the crash . Help

Atwood Yen wrote:

Minggo Zhang wrote:
> Have not supported MIPS arch.
NDK R8 support MIPS, I check Cocos2d-X did’t have third-party’s library like ‘libcurl, libjpng,libpng & libxml2’ so can’t build, so I ask my friend help me builded these four libs for MIPS version,and It’s work just fine in MIPS arch now.
I set CPU ABU : all , so I can test on different hardware, here is the hardware I tested…
Smart-tv with MIPS arch Android 2.2.1, …… OK
Motorola XOOM Arm-V7 Android 3.1, ………OK
Asus Transformer Pad Arm-V7 Android 4.0.3 ……… Crash, Fatal signal 11 error
I just send my Motorola XOOM tablet to the Motorola update Android 3.1 -> 4.1 yesterday, After my XOOM come home, I will try again to verify the problem is hardware or Android version make.
Thanks Minggo again!

My Motorola XOOM just come home and I tested again after upgrade to 4.0.3, and …… It crash now.
So I suspect it is some problem in Android 4.0.3 use Cocos2d-0.1.0-x-0.12.0 version.

I also dump the ndk-stack, very similar Chetan’s port, so…

Sorry, Atwood Yen, How do you build the MIPS libraries?

Thanks in advance…

— Edit —

Could you upload your prebuilt libraries…

Chetan Rana wrote:

Hi guys,
I am getting fatal error " A/libc(1246): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x00000000 (code=1)" in a particular android device. Most of the time , game crashes on start and gives mentioned error. But strangely , it comes in a single android device . I have tried game in htc one X, sony xperia ray, sony neo v , Samsung galaxy ace and kindle Fire and it works like charm . Infact, i have tried demo android project available in cocos2d-x and that too crashes in particular device.
That device is a cheap Android tablet - Zync z990+ . Its configuration is
Android version : 4.0.3
CPU ABI : armeabi- v7a
processor : ARMV7 Processor rev 2 (v71) 1.5 Ghz
GPU : Mali 400
opengl : 2.0
You help will be appreciated.

I got a same problem but not because of NDK.
A simple mistake with resource’s name. Check if :
—— 1. it have character ‘-’ in resource name
—— 2. not available image’s name on .plist. (such as in particle, sprite frame plist, Bitmapfont v.v…)
Hope it’s useful for you :slight_smile: