Faster Builds for Android and Win32

For Android, when calling ndk-build.cmd you should pass in j# for jobs.
For Android, my command is:
build.cmd j32C .

For Win32 (Visual Studio) you should turn on /MP and turn off /GM

By turning on multiple processors and turning off the inter-file minimal rebuilding stuff, I got a 10X improvement on build speed.

It was closer to 15X for Android — I have a 32 core machine with 4 physicals, so paralleling helps a lot but I bet everyone on here has more then one core.

@Cory Trese
Thanks for sharing. Is there any side-effect by doing this?

Minggo Zhang wrote:

@Cory Trese
Thanks for sharing. Is there any side-effect by doing this?
Yes, now you won’t have time to make a cup of tea as before.

There are no side effects in your build output.

For the both settings, it is very easy to put in settings that will take up 100 of your CPU.

Visual Studio by default turns on /GM but in reality, /GM does almost nothing.

The benefit of using all your cores vs. only compiling a of the lines in C++ file is no contest — on a multicore machine, /MP wins every single time. I haven’t used a single core build machine in a decade or more.

And as our esteemed forum member dot squid points out, there is less time for tea (or coffee, in my case.)