Facebook SDKBOX Issue

When creating a Facebook Campaign, I have this issue:

Objective MobileAppInstalls is Deprecated: In V2.9 of the ads API, we no longer allow specifying the objective as MOBILE_APP_INSTALLS, please use APP_INSTALLS

Have no clue where the problem is.Please help


It’s time to upgrade Facebook iOS SDK https://developers.facebook.com/docs/ios/

Thank you but How to embed it to CocosCreator?

replace all frameworks in <PROJECT>/build/jsb-default/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac folder

Thanks I also download the new Facebook SDK for Android but there are several files in there. Which one to replace and where for Facebook SDKBOX Android.

Much appreciated

for android, you need to unzip the aar file, rename classes.jar and copy it to libs/facebook_lib/libs/facebook-android-4.20.0.jar

do you mean you create Facebook Campaign on https://business.facebook.com/home/ ?
currently SDKBox use Facebook 4.20 SDK (v2.8 version graph api), so I think it’s not an issue from SDKBox.