Facebook onGetUserInfo callback not being called in android

Using this:

std::vectorstd::string permissions;

and the onGetUserInfo callback gets called with iOS but not with Android. Testing exact same build.

Ok we’ll try to reproduce it and let you know.

Thanks, any luck? i am using cocos2dx 3.13.1 sdkbox is updated

hey @nite someitmes I am getting:

   GraphRequest       Warning: Request without access token missing application ID or client token.

Not sure if this has anything to do with it. I think it has something to do with facebook sdk. There isn’t much documentation on the onGetUserInfo callback tho

I am able to use:

sdkbox::FBAPIParam params;
params["fields"] = "name,email,id";
sdkbox::PluginFacebook::api("/me", "GET", params, "your_tag_id");

Which uses the onAPI callback instead of onGetUserInfo. Still am curious why it’s not working though.

Looks like a bug on our side, we’ll try to fix it asap

We fixed this issue, will release with the update on 9/26

Looks I have the same issue and seeing “Warning: Request without access token missing application ID or client token.” on login, but no callback.

When I ran sdkbox::PluginFacebook::getSDKVersion(), I get 4.6. How can I get the plugin in version from the code e.g. 2.3.3.

Do you mean 10/26 or 9/26?

Should be fixed with 2.3.4