Extension for 3D Rendering using Horde3D

We are using Horde3D for 3d rendering and Bullet3d for physics in our games on iOS, Android (Google play and amazon app store):


I’m working on a GLES2 and D3D11 port of http://horde3d.org/ You can find the repository here https://github.com/attilaz/horde3d-x/tree/gles2_d3d11 .
If anyone is interested I can write a small extension and tutorial for using Horde3D with cocos2d-x.

Attila Kocsis
Dogbyte Games

Hi, Attila

Please, write!

I´m looking for a extension like that.

Thanks a lot.


What platforms are you interested in?
Horde3D supports OpenGL 2.0*, OpenGLES2 and D3D11 so it could be used on any of the cocos2d-x supported platforms that uses c*+.
But We only use it on win32,iOS and android. So I will probably just create projects for this platforms, support for other platforms can be added later.

please write!
for iOS and working with windows also …
its about time for some 3d

Thanks for the interests.

Currently I’m working on project files for android/iOS on the github repo’s gles2_d3d11 branch using a stripped-down version of cocos2d-x for multiplatform framework support.
After finishing it I will write a simple demo/tutorial.

why you chose Horde3D ? and not something like ORGE ?

meir meiry wrote:

why you chose Horde3D ? and not something like ORGE ?

I prefer Horde3D because it is much smaller and simpler (codesize is approx 1/10th of OGRE3D), but still capable of doing everything we need.
You can easily write posteffects ( color mapping, glow effects,…), it supports shadowmapping, animation. It is completely shader driven so you can write normalmap, reflection map shaders or anything you like.
( one of its creators work at Crytek on CryEngine, I think that tells something about its quality )

cons: Ogre3D has a more active and larger community, but I hope Horde3D community will grew.


“But We only use it on win32,iOS and android”

Those are the platforms I would like to use Horde3D!

Could you please share some projects/samples/tips for these ones?

Thanks a lot.



This really seems promising!

Attila, when do you think you can continue with this? I cloned the repo, but couldn’t compile (I tried iOS projects on my Mac). Some instructions would be appreciated!

Edit: aagh, from where did I got that face? I certainly didn’t put it there! :slight_smile:

I will work on this, but as we are working hard on our next project I could’t give a deadline.
iOS project still doesn’t work, but you can add the files to your project manually (using ES2 renderer) and defining HORDE3D_GLES2 macro.

You can change your default face by creating an account for your email address at www.gravatar.com

Pasi Kettunen wrote:

This really seems promising!
Attila, when do you think you can continue with this? I cloned the repo, but couldn’t compile (I tried iOS projects on my Mac). Some instructions would be appreciated!
Edit: aagh, from where did I got that face? I certainly didn’t put it there! :slight_smile:

Attila Kocsis wrote:

iOS project still doesn’t work, but you can add the files to your project manually (using ES2 renderer) and defining HORDE3D_GLES2 macro.

Tried that, but seems that this doesn’t work with unmodified cocos2dx. I’ll get Redefinition of 'CCEvent' and No member named 'setRootNode' in 'cocos2d::CCDirector'

You should only add files to cocos2dx: Horde3D/Source/Horde3DEngine/, Horde3D/Source/Horde3DEngine/GLES2/, Horde3D/Source/Horde3DUTils/* (this is optional and need some modification in h3dutLoadResourcesFromDisk).

h3d rendering could be hacked into void CCDirector::drawScene(void) or a better solution would be to create a special CCNode that does h3d rendering/viewport setup.

Pasi Kettunen wrote:

Attila Kocsis wrote:
> iOS project still doesn’t work, but you can add the files to your project manually (using ES2 renderer) and defining HORDE3D_GLES2 macro.
Tried that, but seems that this doesn’t work with unmodified cocos2dx. I’ll get Redefinition of 'CCEvent' and No member named 'setRootNode' in 'cocos2d::CCDirector'

Attila Kocsis wrote:

h3d rendering could be hacked into void CCDirector::drawScene(void) or a better solution would be to create a special CCNode that does h3d rendering/viewport setup.

That custom CCNode seems like a good idea. Unfortunately, I’m new to Cocos2D-x so I didn’t know rightaway how to create one. But I’m getting there. Have used Cocos2D-IPhone before, and know C++.

I’ve figured out how to make a custom CCNode class, the next step is to try your Horde3D-port on it!