EventDispatcher::addEventListener in 3.0a

I was using EventDispatcher and found different behavior.
For EventDispatcher::addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority: node will remove listener itself from dispatcher on Exit.
For EventDispatcher::addEventListenerWithFixedPriority: node won’t remove listener itself from dispatcher on Exit.
In second case function node->associateEventListener isn’t executed, you need to manage it yourself.
Why? Is it bug or feature?

There is a mention in http://www.cocos2d-x.org/docs/manual/framework/native/input/event-dispatcher/en
One more thing to keep in mind: if you add a fixed priority listener to a node, you need to remove the listener manually when the node is removed. However, in the case of a scene graph priority listener, the listener is bound to the node: when the node’s destructor is called, the listener will be removed automatically.