Errors when Running on Emulator

I am new to cocos2d-x. I configure cocos2d-x in Windows 8 / Eclipse and I use android-ndk-r8b.
I created a project that is running.The program when run in the emulator gives the following errors:

05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.nabeelahmad.molitx/com.nabeelahmad.molitx.moleitx}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: setRenderer has already been called for this instance.
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at$1500(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at$H.handleMessage(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at$
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: setRenderer has already been called for this instance.
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.checkRenderThreadState(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.setEGLConfigChooser(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView.setEGLConfigChooser(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at com.nabeelahmad.molitx.moleitx.onCreate(
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): at
05-21 20:17:14.357: E/AndroidRuntime(336): … 11 more

Anyone have any ideas about what I’m missing or doing wrong?

Appreciate any help, thanks.

Please make sure you import the cocos2d-x library in your eclipse as a project:Your Path/cocos2dx/platform/android/java

Thank you for your reply.
I have send a screenshot of the Eclipse menu where I set the path build variable, and other screenshots from C/C*+ Build, and one of C/C*+ General -> Paths and Symbols, because it might help you to resolve the problem.
Already three weeks I’m trying to solve the problem, but for now I still can not solve it. I’ve tried to install all the programs on other computers also but the error does not disappear.:frowning:
Appreciate any help, thanks.
Best regards,
Nabeel Nasir