Error when Create CCSprite Cocos2d-x 2.2 Windows Phone 8

Hello everybody!

I’m using Cocos2d-x v2.2 to build my game for Windows Phone 8
in my Menu class, I create a *CCSprite::create(“shape/shape1.png”)**, but it cannot load this Image. .
If i copy this image to Assets/Resource and create with code:**CCSprite::create(“shape1.png”)*, it OK
what wrong at here?

Please help me.

just use


when your image is in Assets/Resource/shape

Thank you! :slight_smile:
Any way I can use *CCSprite::create(“shape/shape1.png”)* ?
Because in other folder, I have a same file name “shape1.png”
:frowning: :frowning:

you should better rename one of them