ERROR: The device does not support the application's targetted CPU ABIs!

ERROR: The device does not support the application’s targetted CPU ABIs!
Device supports: armeabi-v7a armeabi
Package supports: Android NDK:

that’s drive me to mad…
what the problem with it?
when I cd to the android project and ./, it appears like a ghost, always stands there…

win7 && 64bit system
ndk 9
cocos2dx 2.2.2
sdk 16

Sorry, seems to be broken for a long time. We will delete it.

…e…I got the answer, it’s just a matter of path…

@zhangxm nice to meet you
大侠,我也入触控了:) 在宝能中心

@zhangxm is good to use, I think,otherwise, how could us debug the .so file through breakpoint?

by the way, I have met a god damn problem here, I use window7 and cygwin to debug on android, and I got a feedback like this “jdb can’t be found”, after some times of trial, I copy a jdb file from jdk install path to the cygwin bin path, that solved, nice job enheng?

We always debug codes in Xcode or VS. If a bug only exists on Android, then we use log, but it is not usually.

@zhangxm depend on log is a way painful…