Error running script


I’m trying to integrate Facebook functions to my proyect, I’m following these instructions, but I got stucked because I couldn’t find the last two jars mentioned in the instructions (specifically in this image: - By the way, the android-support-v4.jar, the bolts.jar and the facebooksdk.jar were not in the plugin-x folder, rather I found them in myProyect\cocos2d\plugin\plugins\facebook\\sdk - so I found out I had to run the script to generate the other jars, but when I proceed to run it, it displays the following error:

The translations for the parts of the output that are in spanish are:
“No se encontró la orden” = Command not found.
“Error sintáctico cerca del elemento inesperado” = “Syntax error near unexpected element”.

I hope you guys can help me, and thank you in advance :smile:

Forgot to put the link of the instructions I’m following: