Error compile b2body

I want compile a small example, but i have error compile in VS 2012.
example code with error:

    b2World* world;
	 b2Body* anchorBody;
	   b2BodyDef anchorBodyDef;
	anchorBodyDef.position.Set(visibleSize.width/PTM_RATIO/2,visibleSize.height/PTM_RATIO); //center body on screen
	anchorBody = world->CreateBody(&anchorBodyDef);

The compile error is this:

Error	8	error LNK2019: sÝmbolo externo "public: class b2Body * __thiscall b2World::CreateBody(struct b2BodyDef const *)" (?CreateBody@b2World@@QAEPAVb2Body@@PBUb2BodyDef@@@Z) sin resolver al que se hace referencia en la funci¾n "public: virtual bool __thiscall 

I have the similar error before this.

If i only create World…i have compiler similar error.

world = new b2World(b2Vec2(0.0f, -9.8));

help plz

can you post your header and source

Normal new project.
But i tryed…and now “can compile” if put in Class folder, Box2D folder…

But My next error is, can’t open Debug.win32/libcocos2d.lib
and i have this lib :S