Error building Android project

Hi. I am trying to build my project for android and I get next mistakes:

In eclipse, Cocos2sxActivity cannot be resolved to a type

While running - thread - no such file or directory. (in I have -std=c++11 )

Can someone please help?

yes @mmvlad

could you tell us which version of cocos2d-x are you using ?

also have you imported the libcocos2dcpp file into your project in eclipse. ?

Did you import the class at the top of whichever class is throwing the error? I.e. import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxActivity;

I am using cocos 3.2

I figured out the error with cocos2dxActivity but still getting error thread file or directory not found

I had to build and add to my build path. This resolved the problem.

Anyway, thanks for your reply!