encrypt HMAC SHA256.

It implements the encryption process of communication server on win32 environment now.
HMAC SHA256 is not going well that you are in trouble.
Please tell me if you know a good way something.
Thank you.

cocos2d-x v2.1.3
VisualStudio 2012
Windows7 x64

I use Botan for encryption and it works across all my platforms.

Not super easy to configure, but HMAC SHA256 is supported.

Hi CoryTrese.

Thank you for the advice.
I want to use the HMAC-SHA256.
Realization Is it possible by extending the Botan?
Thank you.

How to use Botan C++ API to use HMAC-SHA256


Hi CoryTrese.
Thank you for the quick reply.
We are going to try.

We try now, Do you have any actual sample of Botan?

Is there a way of implementation other than Botan?
How you do not use a .Net Framework.

Thank you.

I was able to find the source code would be helpful of HMAC-SHA256.
I can be done by reference to the source code.

Hi CoryTrese.
Thank you for letting me know the information of Botan.
We would like to take another chance.

Thank you.