effect problem with marmalade using cocos2dx-1.0.1-x-0.13.0-beta

Hi Guys,
I have problem with cocos2d with marmalade v 6.0.6 using CCLiquid effect. As you can see in attached image the game is not rendering full screen size. If i remove the liquid effect everything work fine. My game run in landscape mode. APP.icf have DispFixRot = Landscape and director device orientation set to kCCDeviceOrientationPortrait. Any idea on this guys.


Portrait.jpg (251.4 KB)

LandScape.jpg (242.9 KB)

I modified void CCGridBase::set2DProjection() for landscape mode to call

winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getDisplaySizeInPixels();

and it seems to be working fine.
