EditBox text not show when typing in mac

I found the EditBox text cannot show text when typing:

Before typing, it is normal:

when click the EditBox and type, the text in EditBox will disappear:

and when edit finished, the text shows again:

and I try to add

[(NSView*)[(NSWindow*) glview->getCocoaWindow() contentView] setWantsLayer:YES];

in CCApplication-mac.mm, I found the text EditBox will show during but it will cause other objects (e.g.:sprites) unable to show, and generate some errors:

OpenGL error 0x0506 in xxxxxx......

Note:this error occurs suddenly after I reinstall the Mac, anyone knows what is the problem?


I have similar issue on Android, text occasionally disappearing when EditBox got focus.
I’m using Cocos2d-x 3.14.1

is there any solution available? i’m facing the same problem (in 3.14.1 and 3.11)

up! got same problem in 3.13 on macOS Sierra. updating glfw and wantsLayer=YES doesn’t work.
somebody help!