eclipse gives an error which is not understandable

I am testing the conversion from ios to android in cocos2d-x 2.2.2.
I created a test project like this in the terminal. I am using Mac.
./ -project AdTest -package aaa.bbb.ccc -language cpp

For now, this is all I did. No additional codes.
ios works fine in Xcode.

I made a new project in Eclipse and imported the test project.
And it shows me a compile error (red x sign on the left) on this line in jni>hellocpp>
$(call import-module,cocos2dx) <=====

Honestly, I don’t exactly understand what this sentence means.
I think I correctly put NDK, SDK, cocos2dx directories in the bash file.
I can’t get rid of this error.
Did I miss anything or do something wrong ?