Eclipse cocos2dx android project uploading apk so slow

Eclipse cocos2dx android project uploading apk so slow
Maybe app have too many resource,
Any idea can reduce uploading apk time?

How big is your apk?

@peter pan
You can use Android tools to install the APK to checkout if it is the problem of Eclipse.

C:-tools>adb install XXX.apk
1261 KB/s (96014184 bytes in 74.318s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/XXX.apk

Just these information, more than one minute. Too slow.
How can I reduce uploading time?

I am sorry.
I have not idea.
My be you should ask in question in Android developer forum.

That’s normal speed for the devices I have. Some are as fast as 3000 KB/s, some as slow as 800. Depends on the device.

In my experience, You can restart adb server.

  1. Go to android sdk folder
  2. Go to platform-tools folder
  3. Run adb kill-server.
  4. Run adb start server.
  5. ‘cocos run’ again.