EasyNDK for Cocos2d-x v3.0

Hello. Just wanted to share a repo I created for anyone else who also uses the EasyNDK library for communication between their game and the native Java/Obj-C environment. I updated the original project away from deprecated classes and memory leak issues. The new code can be found here: https://github.com/alfonsocejudo/EasyNDK-for-cocos2dx3

Please let me know if you need help with getting it to work. Thanks, and happy coding!

@Alfonso good,you idear is really good

Good job & thanks for sharing.

@Alfonso Hey, I was using the EasyNDK in Cocos2dx v2.2.3 for my previous game.
I am really glad to see this for Cocos 2dx v3.0.
However I have a question in mind, do you support WP8 as well in this as the previous project did not had support for WP8 and I some how worked around with similar implementation and got it working for WP8.