Dynamic lighting in Cocos Creator

Hi! Is it possible to implement dynamic lighting with normal maps in Cocos Creator?
I found this cocos2d-x C++ example and I think it would be great to add this functionality in CC.


Are there any plans in this direction?


It would be great if Creator or Cocos2d-x had this built-in, but provided Creator supports shaders it should be possible to take the shader from your link and convert the C++ code to Creator JS code.

This indeed looks nice and it can be done with shaders, but it would require a lot of messing with Creator render cycle and scene graph logic.
So in my opinion it’s a bit off the direction CC is going, 2D lightning is an exotic feature and putting it into core feature set is more of a burden. There are still more pressing issues in CC :frowning:

Also there no way to do it in Canvas mode (with a reasonable framerate)