Dragon Bones in Cocos2d-x 3.12+

Why there is no more auto integration of Cocos2d-x and dragon bones? I’ve used it before, but with the last version I didn’t find how to integrate it, the last version of dragon bones is awesome, I know that cocos studio isn’t in development and the examples of dragon bones are mixed, but this tool is very good and in comparison with the other’s I didn’t found any weak point, only pros and it is free, spine is very expensive, I don’t understand why remove this, but anyway, cocos2d-x is awesome!


We have talked about doing this. I am not current on the status, however.

According to this it looks like it will make it into the 9/2016 release of Creator. Perhaps v3.14 of the engine.


dargon bones pro is useful, please integration it.

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Nice! Thank you again!

Dose any one have alternative download link to dragon bones ?
i just can’t download it