Draggable sprite in CocosBuilder

I wonder how to do draggable sprite in CocosBuilder. Does anyone know how?

In pure javascript I did it this way:

var kShipXSize = 60;
var kShipYSize = 40;

var Ship = cc.Sprite.extend({
    _x : 0,
    _y : 0,
    _state : STATE_UNGRABBED,
    _parked : false,

    rect:function () {
        return cc.rect(-this._rect.size.width / 2, -this._rect.size.height / 2, this._rect.size.width, this._rect.size.height);
    ctor : function() {
        var img = cc.TextureCache.getInstance().addImage(p_texturePack);
        this.initWithTexture(img, cc.rect(405, 0, 68, 40));
    onEnter : function() {
        cc.Director.getInstance().getTouchDispatcher().addTargetedDelegate(this, 0, true);
        this._rect = cc.rect(405, 0, 68, 40);
    onExit : function() {
    containsTouchLocation : function(touch) {
        var getPoint = touch.getLocation();
        var myRect = this.rect();

        myRect.origin.x += this.getPosition().x;
        myRect.origin.y += this.getPosition().y;
        return cc.Rect.CCRectContainsPoint(myRect, getPoint);// this.convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR(touch));
    onTouchBegan : function(touch, event) {
        if (this._state != STATE_UNGRABBED)
            return false;
        if (!this.containsTouchLocation(touch))
            return false;

        this._state = STATE_GRABBED;
        return true;
    onTouchMoved : function(touch, event) {
        cc.Assert(this._state == STATE_GRABBED, "Paddle - Unexpected state!");
        cc.Assert(this._parked == false, "Paddle - Unexpected state!");
        if (!this._parked) {
        var touchPoint = touch.getLocation();

        this.setPosition(cc.p(touchPoint.x, touchPoint.y));
    onTouchEnded : function(touch, event) {
        cc.Assert(this._state == STATE_GRABBED, "Paddle - Unexpected state!");
        this._state = STATE_UNGRABBED;

I tried with connecting that js file with my sprite in CocosBuilder, but it does not even detect touches:

var Krzyzak = function()

Krzyzak.prototype.onDidLoadFromCCB = function()
        this.rootNode.onTouchesBegan = function( touches, event) {
        this.controller.onTouchesBegan(touches, event);
        return true;

Krzyzak.prototype.onTouchesBegan = function(touches, event)
    var loc = touches[0].getLocation();
    cc.log(">>>>> LOCATION: "+loc);

cc.Director.getInstance().getTouchDispatcher() have not bound to js, I’m confused this too…

Tobiasz Siemiński wrote:

I wonder how to do draggable sprite in CocosBuilder. Does anyone know how?
In pure javascript I did it this way:
I tried with connecting that js file with my sprite in CocosBuilder, but it does not even detect touches:

Yyyy… so how to handle touches in cocosbuilder with javascript? Even just simple touch…

Why only CCLayer object can handle touches? Can I set fixed content size of CCLayer to handle touches only on the specific square? I get little bit irritated because of nontouchable sprite issue. Is there any simple way to do that?