Do you guys think about cocos2d-x Html5/Javascript/Lua is more better than C++

Hello, every one.

What do you think about Html5/Javascript/Lua to develop the game.

I think It’s more good languages for quickly and easy to develop mobile game. But why many developers never used it.

it;s about tutorials or effect or anything else?


I use JSB from 8 months.

  • Javascript,
  • CocosBuilder on MAC,


  • lack of official JSB documentation!
  • some methods missing,
  • problems with additional plugins (IAP, social plugins),
  • low performance,
  • lack of tutorials, most of them are for C++ branch

Thank you very much. It’s really help us to improve that
Tobias S wrote:

I use JSB from 8 months.

  • Javascript,
  • CocosBuilder on MAC,
  • lack of official JSB documentation!
  • some methods missing,
  • problems with additional plugins (IAP, social plugins),
  • low performance,
  • lack of tutorials, most of them are for C++ branch

if cocos2d-x support lua, javascript for android, mac, ios, linux, wp8, winrt or more platform :slight_smile:

It could be! if your game is not very heavery.

You can reference my tutorials:

But in fact it’s difficult used in win8 and linux with native jsb game

Mai Dung wrote:

if cocos2d-x support lua, javascript for android, mac, ios, linux, wp8, winrt or more platform :slight_smile: