Do I need to retain all the member variables after create?

due to the cause here:
for example:
class Test
CCDictionary* dic1;
CCDictionary* dic2;
void initWithDic(CCDictionary*);
void Test::init(CCDictionary* dic)
Do I have to manage all the create and retain steps for all the member cocos2d-x variables?

Could someone help me?

Chen Qin wrote:

due to the cause here:
Do I have to manage all the create and retain steps for all the member cocos2d-x variables?

Here’s a way to think of it: If you are assigning a CCObject to a pointer variable, and will have access to the pointer after the next update loop, and it was created with a static creation method (like the one in your example), you should retain it, and release when you are done. So, pretty much the case for most ivars.