Director::getInstance()->end() restarts app


I noticed a strange behavior of my exit game button (for Android). Instead of closing the app the call of


close and restart it immediately. Here is the code snipped I use. I think nothing special:

 void MyLayer::menuCloseCallback(Ref* pSender)

I’m using cocos2d-x 3.0. Any ideas what’s going on here?


I’ve figured it out by myself. Another Activity was running in background and restarts the game.

Can you explain it in detail? I have same issue.

i have same issue and resolved. can you explain it in detail?

Very useful post. Great solution provided.

how to solve it?

Are you using a recent version?

I am using 3.12

If I started app by push notification, cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->end(); works not correctly.

When I open application by notification, I creat new Activity. I solved this issue by adding android:launchMode=“singleInstance” to my activity in manifest.

How did you decide to do this? I wonder if we need this in newer versions.

I created a new activity when open my app by push. It was my problem.
I choose other flags when creating intent for push and changed activity launchMode.

I think this post will be enough.