Difference between the cocos2d-x simulator for Windows and the Android simulator


I am working on an Android app and I notice that cocos2d-x for Windows has it’s own simulator while the Mac version does not have. Is there a difference between developing my app in the cocos2d-x windows simulator and developing it using the Android simulator in Mac?

DO you mean that the Mac version of eclipse does not have an android simulator?

When you say simulator for windows, do you mean Windows Phone?

The actual windows version (i.e. Visual Studio) does not have a simulator as windows is the actual platform (and therefore does not need to simulate anything).

Hi Adam,

I use the Android simulator when running cocos2d-x on Mac, but on Windows using Visual Studio 2010, there is a cocos2d-x simulator or window that appears with the cocos2d-x logo when I click on ‘build’, I assume that is a custom simulator created for cocos2d-x?

If you are talking about running a Windows Phone version then that is the Simulator
If you are talking about a Win32 version then that’s not a simulator, that’s the application itself.
The Win32 version is designed to just run as a windowed app. Its not simulating anything, just running.

If you are using cocos2dx on the Mac then why not use xCode and the iOS simulator?

I find Visual Studio to be the best (I am a .NET dev anyway) then xCode (I find it very quirky) then eclipse (cant get the NDK debugging to work).

Hi Adam,

The problem with the iOS simulator is that you cannot specific screen sizes that are not iOS specific such as 480 x 800 while the Android simulator on Mac is very slow to load

Then I would suggest using the Win32 Visual Studio version.
I find it much quicker to write and debug the code in VS over eclipse.

Are you sure that the Mac OS eclipse does not come with the AVD?

The AVD is a separate download and the Android simulator on Windows or Mac is still bloody slow

Indeed, I never run anything on the AVD.
I find it much easier to deploy straight to my android phone (takes a while to launch).

The fastest is either Visual Studio or xCode and both have good debugging.

Yes, but too bad the only way to run cocos2d-x code on a Mac to fit a certain Android screen size is to use the Android AVD while in Windows, I can use the OpenGL window which is much faster

You can create a mac osx project and use whatever size screen you want.
The samples have a proj.mac folder, I didn’t get it working for my project because of some include conflicts.

I think the osx and iOS folders were both included and caused class conflicts.