Difference between cocos2dx & cocos creator

Does anybody know the difference between these 2 ? is cocos creator just cocos2dx with a UI editor ? and is cocos creator updated every time a new version of cocos2dx comes out to have the latest code changes, bug fixes etc ?

Cocos2d-x is our game engine.

Cocos Creator is a unified development that supports JS and soon c++ and Lua. It has a modified version of Cocos2d-x under the hood. However, we merge engine changes back and forth.

Releases are mutually exclusive, at this time.

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ah ok thanks for the clear understanding !

when i development used by c++ language,cocos creator can be used as a ui editor?thanks。

Yes starting in 3.15. Coming in a month.

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Cocos Creator is using its custom version of cocos2d-x,

The framework is based on cocos2d-x but much lighter, removed many unnecessary modules inherited from old versions of cocos2d-x. We also added an entity-component system, and a written UI system in cocos-creator/engine.