Did cocos2dx support Full Screen game ?(win32)

I know seldom people use cocos2dx to make win32 game…

Yes support! Just use this: glview = GLView::createWithFullScreen("My Game");

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Thank you, it’s helpful

If you need support for 2.2.x I can help provide it, but it takes a bunch of changes to


@corytrese: Hi I am looking for fullscreen support for 2.2.3 . I have added function for enterfullscreen in cceglview but I get error unhandled exception error in in labelAtlas.cpp when I do.

pEGLView->setDesignResolutionSize(800, 600, kResolutionExactFit);
pEGLView->enterFullscreen(0, 0);

in app delegate

And In 3.2 also I get texture atlas mapbuffer error 312

OpenGL error 0x0502 in …\renderer\CCTextureAtlas.cpp cocos2d::TextureAtlas::mapBuffers 312

I don’t know anything about kResolutionExactFit, I only use kResolutionFixedHeight

This is very similar to the code I use