Design Resolution Yes Still

I am experimenting with design resolutions with a android phone and windows PC. I am swapping back and forth and trying out various things to try better understand it. This seems to be good advice from that thread we all know about.

I have an issue though and cant figure out what.

bool TestScene::init(){

	if (!Scene::init()) return false;

	m_VisableSize = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize();
	CCLOG("SCREEN VISIBLE WIDTH : %f   SCREEN VISIBLE HEIGHT : %f\n", m_VisableSize.width , m_VisableSize.height); // PC:480x320   Android:420x270

	m_WindowSize = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getWinSize(); 
	CCLOG("SCREEN WINDOW WIDTH : %f   SCREEN WINDOW HEIGHT : %f\n", m_WindowSize.width, m_WindowSize.height); // PC:480x320   Android:420x320

	m_Origin = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin();

	m_Scene = cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->getRunningScene();
	m_GaddBox = new GaddBox();

	m_Base = m_GaddBox->createLayer("Base");
	CCLOG("BASE BOUNDING BOX X:%f   Y:%f\n", m_Base->getBoundingBox().size.width, m_Base->getBoundingBox().size.height); // 480 x 320
	this->addChild(m_Base, 0);


	return true;

This next function im using to play around with design resolution experiments. The cubes are 50pixels

void TestScene::DesignResolutionTesting() {

	float scale = 2.0;
	float padding = 5.0;

	cocos2d::Sprite* cube1 = cocos2d::Sprite::create("Hud/UI/red50.png");
	cocos2d::Sprite* cube2 = cocos2d::Sprite::create("Hud/UI/red50.png");
	cocos2d::Sprite* cube3 = cocos2d::Sprite::create("Hud/UI/red50.png");
	cocos2d::Sprite* cube4 = cocos2d::Sprite::create("Hud/UI/red50.png");
	cocos2d::Sprite* cube5 = cocos2d::Sprite::create("Hud/UI/red50.png");

	cube1->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width / 2, m_VisableSize.height / 2));
	//UniversalScalling::UniversalImageProcessing(cube1, scale, scale, false);
	m_Base->addChild(cube1, 1);

	cube2->setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(0, 0.5));
	cube2->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(padding, m_VisableSize.height / 2));
	//UniversalScalling::UniversalImageProcessing(cube2, scale, scale, false);
	m_Base->addChild(cube2, 1);

	cube3->setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(0.5, 1));
	cube3->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width / 2, m_VisableSize.height - padding));
	//UniversalScalling::UniversalImageProcessing(cube3, scale, scale, false);
	m_Base->addChild(cube3, 1);

	cube4->setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(1, 0.5));
	cube4->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width - padding, m_VisableSize.height / 2));
	//UniversalScalling::UniversalImageProcessing(cube4, scale, scale, false);
	m_Base->addChild(cube4, 1);

	cube5->setAnchorPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(0.5, 0));
	cube5->setPosition(cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width / 2, padding));
	//UniversalScalling::UniversalImageProcessing(cube5, scale, scale, false);
	m_Base->addChild(cube5, 1);

	auto drawnode1 = cocos2d::DrawNode::create();
	drawnode1->drawLine(cocos2d::Vec2(padding, padding), cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width - padding, padding), cocos2d::Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

	auto drawnode2 = cocos2d::DrawNode::create();
	drawnode2->drawLine(cocos2d::Vec2(padding, padding), cocos2d::Vec2(padding, m_VisableSize.height - padding), cocos2d::Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

	auto drawnode3 = cocos2d::DrawNode::create();
	drawnode3->drawLine(cocos2d::Vec2(padding, m_VisableSize.height - padding), cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width - padding, m_VisableSize.height - padding), cocos2d::Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

	auto drawnode4 = cocos2d::DrawNode::create();
	drawnode4->drawLine(cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width - padding, m_VisableSize.height - padding), cocos2d::Vec2(m_VisableSize.width - padding, padding), cocos2d::Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

	int dots = 10;
	for (int x = 10; x <= m_VisableSize.width - 10; x += 10) {
		auto point = cocos2d::DrawNode::create();
		point->drawPoint(cocos2d::Vec2(x, m_VisableSize.height / 2), 5.0, cocos2d::Color4F(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

	CCLOG("DOTS : %d", dots);

Display on Windows


Display on android - PROBLEM

Android above has a gap on top - Anyone know why ?

This is reason correct ?

I think you need to change these based upon screen size. I don’t have the issues you have because I decide what these values are on startup, device depending.

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