decode.h:394: error: undefined reference to 'WebPGetFeaturesInternal'

Im using the libraries prepared to build for android and I have my libcocos2d.a libcocosdenshion.a and libextension.a all built now i get this error when my project is linking. The webp.a lib was built into each of the three libraries im linking.

armeabi-v7a/libcocos2d.a(CCImageCommonWebp.o): in function cocos2d::CCImage::_initWithWebpData(void*, int):
C:/Android/cocos2d-x/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/android/prebuilt/libwebp/include/decode.h:394: error: undefined reference to 'WebPGetFeaturesInternal'

Im so close to getting this running on android just these stupid linker errors