Custom property type

Is it possible to create a custom property for a class like such:

properties: {
    margins: {
        default: function() {
    	    return { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}
        type: cc.Object

What I see is this:
47 AM

Is it possible to make it have a input box for each key?

I’ve also tried this:

margins: {
	default: function() {
		return {
			left: {
				default: 0.0,
				type: cc.Float
			right: {
				default: 0.0,
				type: cc.Float
			top: {
				default: 0.0,
				type: cc.Float
			bottom: {
				default: 0.0,
				type: cc.Float
	type: cc.Object

It doesn’t work either…

In theory you can implement your own property inspector, but it would be a lot easier to just split it into 4 separate float properties :slight_smile:

Hi try following code:

var margin = cc.Class({
  name: "margin",
  properties: {
    left: 0,
    right: 0,
    top: 0,
    bottom: 0,

   extends: cc.Component,
   properties: {
     margin_1: {
      type: margin,
      "default": null
     margins: {
       type: [margin],
       "default": []

Thanks this did the trick, although i used

type: margin,
default: cc.Object

and this time when I hit “Create” button it resulted in exactly what I wanted:


Do you know how would be in Typescript?

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In TypeScript, you can do it like this:

class Margin {
    left: number = 0;

    right: number = 0;

    top: number = 0;

    bottom: number = 0;

export default class MyClass extends cc.Component {
    margin: Margin = new Margin();