Custom Fonts in Cocos2d-x

Hey guys!

I’m trying to find out how to get custom fonts in my game but I can’t find a decent tutorial to show me how. Can anyone help with this?

Also how do I go about creating the font? Its not something I’ve ever had to do before and can’t get a straight answer from Google. I have 26 .png images each representing a letter of the alphabet and somehow need to get them onto a sheet and into .fnt format, is this correct? Is there a free tool I can use to do this?

i have same problem :frowning:

I should probably have updated this earlier. I managed to find a solution.

Basically I used Fontcreator ( to make a ttf, then Glyph Designer ( to edit the colour/outline/shadow etc to output the .fnt and .png file.

Then I used the CCLabelBMFont to put it into the game.

Hope this helps.