Curl으로 WebSocket Client로 접속할수 있는 방법이 없을까요?(As a WebSocket Client can connect with Curl?)

Curl으로 WebSocket Client로 접속할수 있는 방법이 없을까요?
(As a WebSocket Client can connect with Curl?)

Or is there a simple client C, and C source.

Some members previously suggested Poco for networking.
It seems like web socket is supported.

I’m stuck at writing WebSocket Client with POCO, and I can’t find any help on the web. Does anyone has a code sample of a client by chance ?

curl has a version of php,you can check for more information.
curl is also support for socket and http request. you can google it.
i prefer curl to Poco library!

Interesting. Thank you I’ll give it a try.