Creator OSX High-Sierra

My Creator (1.7Beta8) is showing this message and its unable to start. 1.5.2 does not show any message and its not able to start. Is this a known issue with High-Sierra?

This windows added in 1.7. But it should be something wrong while opening project. Can you reproduce the problem in other project?

Yes I found out the issue: I installed Creator with a local admin account. Then I was trying to execute it from another local admin account. I though as both accounts are admin, it will work just fine. It turns out the second account only had “read” permission so Creator it was unable to “write” (this is a default issue in OSX, so it might happen with other versions of the system). The thing is that Creator got stuck in “importing assets” and show no error message. I would suggest you to check if there are “writing permissions” and send a warning message.

Thanks, we should display all errors while opening Editor.

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All editor error during launch will be displayed since v2.0.

Actually I’m having the same issue , after granting the permission for read and write , but nothing changed